For some, using cannabis – no matter what way you choose to consume it – helps to de-stress at the end of a day. But that’s not the only health benefit, with the prevention and treatment of cancer, to anti-aging properties.
1. Cancer
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Using cannabis not only helps treat the symptoms of cancer, but there are studies that show that cannabis could also help prevent it. A study published in 2009 shows that cannabis use of 20 years or more can be linked to a reduced...
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5 Reasons Why Cannabis Is One Of The Best Preventative Medicines
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- Published: 11-08-2017, 09:58 PM
5 Reasons Why Cannabis Is One Of The Best Preventative Medicines
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Could Cannabis Eventually Replace Anti-Anxiety Medications?
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- Published: 11-08-2017, 04:51 PM
Could Cannabis Eventually Replace Anti-Anxiety Medications?
A recent study thought to be the first of its kind has found that regular cannabis use may make a person less prone to anxiety over time, even when sober.
The study, published in the medical journal Psychopharmacology, found that people who use cannabis daily or almost daily had a blunted stress reaction when exposed to a high-stress situation after a period of abstinence from marijuana. While non-cannabis users reported feeling anxious and experienced elevated levels of the... -
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Study Suggests Marijuana May Help Against Brain Aging
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- Published: 11-07-2017, 09:59 PM
Study Suggests Marijuana May Help Against Brain Aging
Since the legalization movement began hitting full stride, new research discoveries about marijuana’s potential health benefits have been surfacing with regularity. Among the most recent, a study shows that the psychoactive chemical in marijuana, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), restores cognitive function in the brains of mice by rolling back the aging process.
The study builds from a theory that the brain’s endocannabinoid system (home of the receptors that THC binds to) is related... -
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Can Smoking Weed Actually Help You Lose Weight?
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- Published: 11-07-2017, 05:39 PM
Can Smoking Weed Actually Help You Lose Weight?
You know that an ongoing punchline that stoners always have the munchies? Well, it’s not totally untrue. Research shows that smoking marijuana actually does affect the mechanisms that trigger hunger in our brain: receptors in our brain trigger the release of hormones that make us feel famished, causing us to gobble up everything in sight.
But even though there's a grain of truth to the flabby, Cheetos-munching stoner stereotype, that doesn't mean it's 100 percent legit. Some studies have shown... -
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7 Reasons Why Eating Weed Is Actually Good for Your Health
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- Published: 11-06-2017, 11:18 PM
7 Reasons Why Eating Weed Is Actually Good for Your Health
Just 20 or 30 years ago, cooking with cannabis was still considered both completely taboo and reserved solely for Cheech & Chong-watching stoners. Far as anyone was concerned, the only health benefits of marijuana were that it got you stoned and made you laugh.
Of course, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you’re probably now aware that there are a ton of benefits of cooking with cannabis that have absolutely nothing to do with getting stoney baloney’d.... -
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Colorado Votes "No" on Treating PTSD with Medical Marijuana
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- Published: 07-17-2015, 04:41 PM
Colorado Votes "No" on Treating PTSD with Medical Marijuana
Third time was not a charm when it came to approving medical marijuana for PTSD patients in Colorado; stating that there was not enough scientific evidence. -
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Cannabis Found to Heal Broken Bones
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- Published: 07-16-2015, 11:00 PM
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Aphrodisiac Strain Specifically for Women!
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- Published: 07-16-2015, 08:40 PM
Aphrodisiac Strain Specifically for Women!
We have known for decades now that marijuana makes everything better- including SEX! But this strain is sure to be a "game changer" when it comes to the bedroom. It is the first strain to hit the markets that is specifically designed to enhance a woman’s sexual pleasure. -
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Marijuana Absorbs Nuclear Radiation
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- Published: 07-15-2015, 09:49 PM
Marijuana Absorbs Nuclear Radiation
The most controversial and illicit drug, is doing nothing short of a miracle again. With all of its therapeutic value arising, you may not have heard about the plant's ability to absorb nuclear radiation. Check out the article below for more information:The many uses of the HEMP plant include much more than the relaxing euphoric feeling caused by THC. Paper, fuel, rope, plastic, and countless other uses have been identified. However one of the attribute you may not have heard about is the cannabis plant’s ability to absorb nuclear radiation. Marijuana was actually used in the … -
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Colorado Reconsiders Pot For PTSD
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- Published: 07-15-2015, 04:29 PM
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Latest Articles
Cannabis can regrow brain cells, so the argument goes. It's become a favorite claim for supporters of medical weed, but there's a catch.
It may be a myth.
According to researchers at the University of California at San Francisco, brain cell growth — or "neurogenesis" — does not occur in the adult human hippocampus. This study seemingly flies in the face of the past two decades of research claiming the hippocampus could regenerate lost cells. In other mammals,...07-03-2018, 10:16 PM -
Smoking marijuana during illness and cold - helps or harms?
Smoking marijuana can relieve the symptoms of colds, but it can also worsen them. As temperatures fall during the winter months, the current season is the season of influenza, many consumers wonder - can you use cannabis by having a cold or sick?
Scientific research has shown that marijuana can help alleviate pain and extend the airways, but in some patients it can also worsen your health.
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Musicians, artists, and writers have used cannabis for centuries. Cannabis has been part of spiritual and meditation rituals. It reduces anxiety and inhibition, and it opens new horizons when it alters physical sensation and perception of time and space. Heightened creativity weaves its way through these effects. So, more cannabis veterans and newcomers are choosing strains that boost their creative energy and focus. Frontal Lobe Activity
The IBMJ (2011) reported, “Current creativity research...05-17-2018, 09:26 PM -
Why marijuana decarboxylation is so important?
Decarboxylation - that sounds scary. In this way, however, a very simple process is defined, which you probably already had before. This is basically a simple heating of marijuana, which is necessary if you want the specialties prepared by you to have this power.
If you have ever started a marijuana joint or used a vaporizer for its consumption, be aware that in the past you have already had cannabis under the decarboxylation...05-17-2018, 08:21 PM -
If alcohol were under the same scrutiny for its health impact that marijuana continues to be, bars would not be allowed to exist. After all, marijuana has been shown to be more than 100 times safer than alcohol. Is it any wonder that many Americans are reassessing their relationship with alcohol and are now choosing to smoke some dank buds instead of opening a Bud Light?
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Bongs are one of the most iconic and time-honored ways to consume cannabis.
A big bong rip—usually cooled by water and/or ice—is absolutely one of the most effective ways to smoke flower. But what are the secrets of bong science? Why, exactly, do bongs work so well? First, let’s examine the anatomy of a bong.
1. The Tube
The tube is the main body of the bong, ending in the mouthpiece. It’s the cylindrical chamber which fills up with smoke after the smoke is filtered through the...04-05-2018, 08:48 PM