I think every marijuana consumer will need a clean marijuana flower, smoking equipment, lighter and mill to enjoy the taste of cannabis. However, when everything is ready, there are several factors that can affect the impression of consumption, for example the rate of combustion. Although the healthier alternative to smoking is vaporization, the vast majority of cannabis consumers still choose to burn plant material, which is not the best solution.

The pace of smoking can seriously affect the time and mood of a smoking session. Some like it when the hemp burns slowly, but too slow burning can become a nuisance. Quick smoking may be desirable if we are in a hurry, but it can be annoying when we want to consume the joint in peace. Of course, no one also likes uneven burning, and when it comes to joints and blunts, uneven combustion can wastage some of the material.

But how to make marijuana burn faster or slower? There are many factors that can potentially affect the rate of cannabis burning, so let's try to explain a few important variables.
Moisture and marijuana burning rate

The moisture of cannabis is the most important factor that affects its burning rate. There are many factors affecting humidity, such as growing and harvesting conditions, as well as packaging and storage methods.

After cutting cannabis plants, the flowers are dried, so that the moisture level drops significantly. The speed at which this occurs depends on environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and airflow. Nevertheless, marijuana loses its moisture all the time, and improper storage can make the flowers dry out. Heavily dried marijuana burns much faster than slightly moist flowers. Cannabis with moisture of 3-8% has the most desirable burning rate.
Effect of air flow during marijuana smoking

Regardless of whether you are nailing a barrel or spinning a joint, the air flow will be a decisive factor in the burning rate. In general, higher airflow usually means faster combustion and vice versa, although there are several factors that affect this.

One of the main factors affecting the air flow is the method of shredding dried in preparation for consumption. Manual crumbling of marijuana can cause uneven consistency, resulting in a slower combustion rate. Using a grinder (grinder) will make the hemp evenly ground so that they will burn evenly.

In most cases, too much hemp will cause a drop in the air flow, and thus burning will be slower. Placing the entire topper in the barrel or pipe will also lead to slower combustion.

However, the air flow is much more important when we talk about twisting a joint or blunt. A perfectly burning joint is, however, a matter of experience. In addition to the ideal design, it is important to ensure an adequate air flow between the drought and the tissue paper. An important factor is to avoid creating gaps or too tight sections in the joint.
Other factors affecting the burning rate

There are also other factors that affect the rate of cannabis combustion. Using too much fire can cause the material to burn too quickly, while heating (rather than burning) of marijuana will lead to a slower vaporization process and the release of more cannabinoids.

It's also a mistake to set the whole pipe on fire in a bong or barrel. It's worth trying a different method, especially when you use several types of cannabis. Instead of setting fire to all the material, it is worth igniting, for example, only 1/4 of the whole bowl, so that everyone can enjoy a tasty cloud, not the taste of ash.

Another factor is the speed of the haul. The faster you smoke, the greater the air flow, which results in faster burning of the material. In the case of smoking joints, an interesting way is to take in smoke while taking in air from outside the joint. All you have to do is put your lips to the mouthpiece so that you can breathe in smoke and fresh air. This method allows you to achieve the desired results, burning a smaller part of the material than usual, but I have no idea why this is happening.

Now that you know the different factors that can affect the marijuana burning rate, you can influence the rate of burning and you will know why cannabis burns too fast or too slow.