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  • The Dangers of Smoking Out of Plastic

    The Dangers of Smoking Out of Plastic

    How you smoke is just as important as what you smoke. In today’s increasingly marijuana-friendly world, more and more people are turning to cannabis as both holistic medicine and a healthy way to get buzzed. But it doesn’t matter if you’re buying the highest quality organic hydroponic herb if you’re smoking it wrong. The dangers of smoking out of plastic pose a serious health threat. Here’s why you should pay more attention to how you’re lighting up. Most types of plastic are dangerous.

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  • Researchers Think CBD Can Cure Your Fear Of Public Speaking

    Researchers Think CBD Can Cure Your Fear Of Public Speaking

    There’s only one thing Americans fear more than death: public speaking.

    This fear frequently tops the list of America’s most common phobias, and anyone who’s experienced stage fright will understand why. Your hands start shaking, your throat closes up, your breath gets short—it’s as if you’ve been transported to a cold mountaintop, rather than a stage. Even if you’re confident in your material when the fear of public speaking takes hold it feels virtually impossible to slow...
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  • Could Cannabis Eventually Replace Anti-Anxiety Medications?

    Could Cannabis Eventually Replace Anti-Anxiety Medications?

    A recent study thought to be the first of its kind has found that regular cannabis use may make a person less prone to anxiety over time, even when sober.

    The study, published in the medical journal Psychopharmacology, found that people who use cannabis daily or almost daily had a blunted stress reaction when exposed to a high-stress situation after a period of abstinence from marijuana. While non-cannabis users reported feeling anxious and experienced elevated levels of the...
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  • 7 Reasons Why Eating Weed Is Actually Good for Your Health

    7 Reasons Why Eating Weed Is Actually Good for Your Health

    Just 20 or 30 years ago, cooking with cannabis was still considered both completely taboo and reserved solely for Cheech & Chong-watching stoners. Far as anyone was concerned, the only health benefits of marijuana were that it got you stoned and made you laugh.

    Of course, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you’re probably now aware that there are a ton of benefits of cooking with cannabis that have absolutely nothing to do with getting stoney baloney’d....
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  • Marijuana Stops Child's Severe Seizures

    Marijuana Stops Child's Severe Seizures

    Read the article below to see the inspirational story behind Charlotte's Web:
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    Professional athletes are the largest demographics to suffer from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), due to repetitive traumatic brain injuries. “CTE is a neurological degenerative disease found in individuals who have been subjected to repetitive traumatic brain injuries by way of the acceleration of the head on impact and the subsequent damage to axons.” While some athletes develop CTE in their lifetime, it is not sufficient to say that everyone that is exposed to constant concussions...
    The latest NFL news, rumors, scores, schedules, predictions, picks against the spread, free agent updates, power rankings, mock drafts and more
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