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  • Doctor Retracts Claim that Baby Died of Cannabis Overdose

    Doctor Retracts Claim that Baby Died of Cannabis Overdose

    Doctor Retracts Claim that Baby Died of Cannabis Overdose

    Recently, a doctor claimed that the first person ever had died of a cannabis overdose and that it was a baby. However, he has now retracted his claim.

    According to High Times, the doctors are claiming that the media blew their words out of proportion and that they did not say or write any such thing. While there was cannabis in the child’s system, and the report claimed that the child was exposed to cannabis, that...
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  • Researchers Think CBD Can Cure Your Fear Of Public Speaking

    Researchers Think CBD Can Cure Your Fear Of Public Speaking

    There’s only one thing Americans fear more than death: public speaking.

    This fear frequently tops the list of America’s most common phobias, and anyone who’s experienced stage fright will understand why. Your hands start shaking, your throat closes up, your breath gets short—it’s as if you’ve been transported to a cold mountaintop, rather than a stage. Even if you’re confident in your material when the fear of public speaking takes hold it feels virtually impossible to slow...
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  • This Is Why Weed Makes Some People Feel Anxious And Paranoid

    This Is Why Weed Makes Some People Feel Anxious And Paranoid

    For many, cannabis provides relief from anxiety better than any prescription drug. Anxiety is one of the most popular conditions treated with medical cannabis in places like California and Colorado. However, cannabis can have a powerful effect in the opposite direction for some, leaving users with crippling anxiety and paranoia. Many of us have experienced a bit of cannabis-induced paranoia at one point or another, but the reasons why might surprise you. Delicate balance

    Any substance that we put...
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  • 10 Ways Cannabis Can Help Keep You Healthy This Fall

    10 Ways Cannabis Can Help Keep You Healthy This Fall

    Nothing is better than fall and winter. There’s pumpkin spice everything, and maybe even a great ski season. Luckily, that isn’t all you have to look forward to. During the fall and winter months, using cannabis can be a game-changer for your health. Here are 10 ways cannabis can keep you healthy this season.
    1. Stress

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    As the work you begins to wind up, it’s important to keep your stress level low. Cannabis is a great way to relax during the busiest months of...
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  • Study Suggests Marijuana May Help Against Brain Aging

    Study Suggests Marijuana May Help Against Brain Aging

    Since the legalization movement began hitting full stride, new research discoveries about marijuana’s potential health benefits have been surfacing with regularity. Among the most recent, a study shows that the psychoactive chemical in marijuana, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), restores cognitive function in the brains of mice by rolling back the aging process.

    The study builds from a theory that the brain’s endocannabinoid system (home of the receptors that THC binds to) is related...
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  • Aphrodisiac Strain Specifically for Women!

    Aphrodisiac Strain Specifically for Women!

    We have known for decades now that marijuana makes everything better- including SEX! But this strain is sure to be a "game changer" when it comes to the bedroom. It is the first strain to hit the markets that is specifically designed to enhance a woman’s sexual pleasure.
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  • Donation For CBD Research

    Donation For CBD Research

    Katelyn Lambert / Picture: Sue Graham Source: News Corp AustraliaKatelyn Lambert, age three, suffered up to 1400 seizures a day. Her family was powerless while watching the acute Dravet's,Online Exclusive
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